January 31, 2024

Beloved in Christ:

My heart and soul are overflowing with gratitude for the people, faith, love and courage of Calvary Episcopal Church. The annual meeting on January 28 broke a record for attendance and the participation was energetic and joyful. We talked about hard things and y’all met the challenges with faith, hope and humor.

We have work ahead of us and together, with God’s help, we’ve got this!

Welcome to our newest vestry members: Cassie Kennedy, Anne High, Ellen Youngers, and Clerk of the Vestry Vanessa Tesch. Together with the continuing members and our other leaders, we have a great team at Calvary, of whom we should be very proud.

I hope you will attend the adult forum this Sunday at 9:15 am to hear updates on the Calvary work to prepare for the Mayo expansion. And if you had to miss the annual meeting, it was live-streamed and is archived on our YouTube channel. Copies of the annual report are available at church.

Onward! With God’s help.

With love,
