Beloved in Christ:

On Sunday, we enter into the rhythms of the holiest week in the Christian calendar with our observation of Passion (also called Palm) Sunday. We will have opportunities to worship together almost every day next week, to mark these days, and especially to mark the Triduum, the three days beginning on Maundy Thursday, and ending on Easter Sunday with the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Inevitably, Holy Week falls during a busy time – Rochester Schools’ spring break begins over the Triduum, and families are busy finishing up projects and homework to be able to enjoy a week of downtime. It’s hard to find moments during our busy lives to step away from the normal busyness and live into the stories of the last week of Jesus’ life and remember the movements of the passion stories that many of us know well. I encourage you to find even a little time to do that, even if doing so means just taking a lunch hour by yourself or stepping back from your routine for a little while – a time to reflect, pray, rest in God.

Please join me and your Calvary church family next week, in small and large ways – however you can, to honor the last days of Jesus’ life, and prepare, as fully as we can, for Good Friday and the Feast of the Resurrection. If you are curious about the scripture readings that we will be following next week, go to, where you will find each day’s appointed readings.

May your Holy Week be a ‘holy’ time of reflection, prayer and spiritual rest in the presence and assurance of God’s love.

In peace and gratitude,
